Scrap and Waste Handling Systems

Corrugated Sheet, Box and Cardboard Shredders


Horizontal Feed Floor Shredder

Horizontal Feed Floor Shredder Basic Model

Basic Model to Shred Sheets and Cores, Roll Slab, Roll Wrap and Carton Scrap.

Available in standard widths of 36, 48, 58 and 72 inches. (For larger widths, see Super-Wide Models). Effectively shreds cores with 4″ ID by 3/8″ walls up to 12″ ID by 1/2″ walls with special receiving hood (See “E”). Versatile capability for corrugated box and folding carton plants, converters and others.

Floor Shredders with Sweep Plate

Shreds Die Cuts, Trim, Sheets and Cores. Convenient Economical Housekeeping

Floor Shredder with Sweep Plate

Sweep plate shredder model frequently placed adjacent to or within baling area. Scrap and broken bales easily swept onto conveyor. Shreds sheet waste and other waste. Can also be located in production area.

Floor Shredder with Sweep Plate and Heavy-Duty Material Handling Fan

BloApCo’s Heavy-Duty Material Handling Fan mounted on the shredder conserves floor space and reduces installation costs.

Floor Shredders with Air Floor Sweep

Convenient Scrap Removal. Keeps Baler Rooms and Production Areas Clean & Safe.

Floor Shredder with Air Floor Sweep

An air floor sweep at the rear of the shredder is easily incorporated into an existing scrap handling system.

Floor Shredder with Air Floor Sweep and Material Handling Fan

The air floor sweep feature is also available with the Material Handling Fan mounted on the shredder.

Floor Shredders with In-Feed Rolls & Unwind Stands

Floor Shredder with In-Feed Rolls & Unwind Stands

Low Cost, Automatic Core Stripping

Rollers, mounted above the infeed conveyor, pull paper from the paper rolls suspended in an unwind stand. Eliminates the need to slab off paper. Once stripped, the core is also shredded. Recommended for many corrugated plants, paper mills, newspaper and flexible packaging plants.

Floor Shredders with Expanded Core Volume Capability

Designed for Convenient, High Volume Core Shredding

The BloApCo floor shredder for core shredding handles cores from 4 inch ID with 3/8 inch walls to 12 inch ID with 1/2 inch walls. (Larger capacities available.) For ease in feeding, cores can be placed anywhere on the in-feed conveyor-not into a single feeding point as required on other shredders. In addition to cores, the shredder with added core shredding capability also handles roll wrap, roll slab and other waste.

Floor Shredder with Expanded Core Volume Capability

Floor Shredders with Box Crusher

Floor Shredder with Box Crusher

Automatic Pre-Crusher Eliminates Manual Box Break-Up

Box crusher, mounted ahead of the shredder, crushes and shreds boxes up to 38 inches. Larger capacities available. Outperforms and outlasts pinch belt conveyor feeders and provides more protection for operator.

Floor Shredder with BloApCo’s Heavy-Duty Material Handling Fan

High-Speed Scrap Evacuation Accelerates Shredding of Bulky Materials

Close coupling of the fan to the shredder maximizes air evacuation from the shredder, increasing high-volume shredding capability for large bulky materials. Ideal for heavy wall cores and other dense materials. This configuration meets high volume disposal needs in printing and folding carton facilities.

Floor Shredder with BloApCo’s Heavy-Duty Material Handling Fan

Floor Shredder with BloApCo’s Heavy-Duty Material Handling Fan

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredder

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredder

The Industry’s Widest Shredder Handles Any Corrugated Sheet

BloApCo’s SUPER-WIDE shredders handle the full width of corrugated sheets without the need to fold sheets. Shreds multi-ply sheets with multiple layers of stacked sheets. SUPER-WIDE shredders are built in 85, 100, 110 and 120 inch wide standard models with wider designs available for special needs. A powerful internal air discharge system effectively evacuates scrap across the width of the SUPER-WIDE shredder.

SUPER-WIDE High-Capacity Floor Shredder with Handling Fan for Bulky Materials

Scrap removal on SUPER-WIDE shredders can be arranged for either left or right hand discharge.

Close coupling of the BloApCo heavy-duty material handling fan to a SUPER-WIDE shredder combines the features of a wider feed conveyor with shredding capability for bulky materials.

SUPER-WIDE High-Capacity Floor Shredder with Handling Fan for Bulky Materials

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredder In Line with Core Stripper

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredder In Line with Core Stripper

Shreds Range of Paper Grades At Speeds Up to 750 FPM

Equipped with AC variable speed drives, the shredder is programmed and controlled to operate in tandem with any automatic core stripping machine. Available in widths up to 120 inches to mate with any automatic core stripper. The shredder includes an internal air discharge system for effective scrap removal at high shredding speeds.

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredders Using Outside Air For Scrap Removal

Conserves Conditioned Inside Air, Operates at Up to 95% Efficiency

SUPER-WIDE Shredders can use unconditioned outside air to conserve energy. Exterior air is pulled into the pneumatic system. As it flows across the discharge area, air picks up scrap and exits on the opposite side of the shredder, returning to an air/trim separator located outside the building. Very little inside air escapes from the plant area.

SUPER-WIDE Floor Shredder Using Outside Air For Scrap Removal


Horizontal Floor Shredder Specs

Floor Shredder

Horizontal Floor Shredder Dimensions Diagram

36″ (915 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 36″ (915 mm)
Outlet(B): 36″ x 10″ (915 x 255 mm)
Approl. WI.: 2,600 lbs (1175 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 14 – 5,660 Inch/CFM (360-9600 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 15 – 30
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 4,000 lbs/hr (1815 Kg/hr)

48″ (1220 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 48″ (1220 mm)
Outlet(B): 48″ x 10″ (1220 x 255 mm)
Approl. WI.: 6,000 lbs (2725 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 15 – 6,500 Inch/CFM (385-11000 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 25 – 30
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 5,000 lbs/hr (2270 Kg/hr)

58″ (1475 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 58″ (1475 mm)
Outlet(B): 58″ x 10″ (1475 x 255 mm)
Approl. WI.: 6,300 lbs (2875 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 16 – 7,400 Inch/CFM (410-12500 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 25 – 40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 7,500 lbs/hr (3400 Kg/hr)

72″ (1830 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 72″ (1830 mm)
Outlet(B): 72″ x 10″ (1830 x 255 mm)
Approl. WI.: 7,600 lbs (3450 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 18 – 9,000 Inch/CFM (460-15300 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 30 – 40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 10,500 lbs/hr (4540 Kg/hr)

SUPER·WIDE Floor Shredder

SUPER·WIDE Floor Shredder Dimensions Diagram

85″ (2160 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 85″ (2160 mm)
Outlet(B): 10″ x 22″† (255 x 560 mm)
Approl. WI.: 9,200 lbs (4175 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 18 – 9,000 Inch/CFM (460-15300 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 30-40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 12,000 lbs/hr (5500 Kg/hr)

100″ (2540 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 100″ (2540 mm)
Outlet(B): 10″ x 22″† (255 x 560 mm)
Approl. WI.: 10,300 lbs (4675 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 20 -11,200 Inch/CFM (510-19000 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 30 – 40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 14,000 lbs/hr (6300 Kg/hr)

110″ (2795 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 110″ (2795 mm)
Outlet(B): 10″ x 22″† (255 x 560 mm)
Approl. WI.: 10,700 lbs (4850 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.: 20-11,200 Inch/CFM (510-19000 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 30 – 40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 14,00 lbs/hr (6300 Kg/hr)

120″ (3050 mm) Wide Shredder:

Inlet(A): 120″ (3050 mm)
Outlet(B): 10″ x 22″† (255 x 560 mm)
Approl. WI.: 11,000 lbs (4900 kg)
Minimum Air Requirements Duel & Vol.:20-11,200 Inch/CFM (510-19000 mm/M3/hr)
Typical HP (corrugated): 30 – 40
Corrugated Board Shredding Capacity**: 14,000 lbs/hr (6300 Kg/hr)

Dimensions are approximate certified dimensions available upon request BIoApCo reserves the right to change specifications and dimensions without notice

* This dimension may vary with change in shaft speed

** Shredding capacity = Single wall corrugated board; A, B & C flute, 26# liner and medium, 2″50mm stacks

†Super- Wide 85 -120 Shredders utilize a pneumatic plenum with a side outlet